Most huntsmen are happy to trap the smaller beasts of the plains and forests, but not this man.
Wild schemes, crazy traps, hunts that last months and a worryingly high turnover of assistants, Montgomery Jack is one of kind.
Jack doesn't believe in direct combat and stand up fights, he values guile and cunning above brute strength, for the simple reason that he has the first two qualities in abundance, and lacks in the third when compared to the average adventurer.
Jack wears a motley collection of cured animal skins, and the trophies of a hundred hunts. He always carries a wickedly sharp skinning knife, and often a hunting bow. He carries no other weapons, his hunts generally involve trapping beasts and allowing them to die from starvation or exposure, killing them outright is just too dangerous.
Jack's prey provide a wide variety of products and items, from tough leather hides for armour, to spell components, to trophies and good luck charms. Jack's hunts have made him rich, and he carries his wealth with him, in the form of gemstones, and a Rope of Entanglement, which provides Jack with a edge when he most needs it.
Jack is a flamboyant and generous figure, he will always buy a round of drinks for the whole bar when on one of his rare visits to town, and spends lavishly on women, and minstrels to record his, highly embellished, deeds.